بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا ً ومرحبا بكم في مدونة فضيلة الشيخ / الداعية البورسعيدي 

محمد عبد الباقي

حفظه الله

أسباب زوال نعمة الأمان مترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية والماليزية The reasons for the demise of the grace of safety Sebab-sebab untuk kematian rahmat keselamatan SHEIKH / Mohamed AbdulBaqe

أسباب زوال نعمة الأمان مترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية والماليزية
The reasons for the demise of the grace of safety Sebab-sebab untuk kematian rahmat keselamatan
  SHEIKH / Mohamed AbdulBaqe


The reasons for the demise of the grace of safety
From Friday sermons said  by Sheikh / Mohammed Abdul Baqi
From Mosque: Reyad Al-Salheen  in Port Said - Egypt


Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves and from our bad deeds, who Allah guides not misleading him, and who Allah leads him astray he will not find the true a way,And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger,
 ( 102 )   O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him].
SURAT Aal-Imran

( 1 )   O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.
SURAT An-Nisaa

 ( 70 )   O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.
( 71 )   He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment.
SURAT Al-Ahzaab

The rights speak, which is always true is the Word of Allah in his book  the Quran is the truest words always and forever, And the islam  way  how  Muhammad - peace be upon him is direct us to it is the right way always and never, and Evil things is the innovator in Islam that was not in Islam, It is misguidance and every misguidance in fire, Brothers in Islam that one of the greatest blessings we have after the blessing of Islam is a blessing Security, those great blessing, Which is bestowed by Allah Almighty to whom He pleases of His servants, this grace in which they spend the money, and And for recruiting soldiers and armies simmering and The most important goal all the People , No nation but seeks to security, stability and indicating it is one of the greatest blessings that it was the first call of Abraham (PBUH),
Allah said in his book ( Quran ) that :
( 126 )   And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a secure city and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day." [Allah] said. "And whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination."

Surat Al-Baqarah

He began by livelihood security because it does not taste the sweetness of food or drink if there is panic and fear, and blessed Allah Almighty to the people of Mecca this
Allah said in Quraan

( 67 )   Have they not seen that We made [Makkah] a safe sanctuary, while people are being taken away all around them? Then in falsehood do they believe, and in the favor of Allah they disbelieve?
SURAT Al-Ankaboot

It was not safe in the Arab town Except Mecca, but Allah  saved the bones while people are being taken away all around them,
Allah said:

( 57 )   And they say, "If we were to follow the guidance with you, we would be swept from our land." Have we not established for them a safe sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things as provision from Us? But most of them do not know.
SURAT Al-Qasas

The Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family if he saw Crescent he was said :
at the sight of the new moon ( of the lunar month ), the
prophet (PBUH) used to supplicate: " Allahumma Ahillahu 'alaina bil-amin, was-salamati Wal-islam, Rabbi
Wa Rabbuk-Allah , Hilalu rushdin Wa Khairin ( O Allah, let  this moon appear on us with security and Iman; with
safety and Islam. ( O Moon!) Your Rubb And Mine Is Allah.
May this moon be bringing quidance and good )."

and This is Yusuf peace be upon him what felt security in Egypt, called his parents, and his brothers called peace be upon him, said:
( 99 )   And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his parents to himself and said, "Enter Egypt, Allah willing, safe [and secure]."
from Quraan Surat Yusuf

Not dispense with the slave never grace this grace Security indispensable servant for this blessing  in this world or in the Hereafter therefore said Allah Almighty to the people of Paradise:
( 46 )   [Having been told], "Enter it in peace, safe [and secure]."


( 37 )   And it is not your wealth or your children that bring you nearer to Us in position, but it is [by being] one who has believed and done righteousness. For them there will be the double reward for what they did, and they will be in the upper chambers [of Paradise], safe [and secure].
                                               SURAT Saba

Security is a great blessing and a solemn blessing, given by Allah Almighty who works obey Almighty, If this grace grace Security if all goes peoples ended in chaos chaos and pandemonium and many many accidents, crimes and feared the people themselves and their money and their women, If this grace venerable man lost in this life is not never feel comfortable, Can not be known Allah if a person has  lost this grace, The main reason that prevented many people from entering Islam with Muhammad - peace be upon him in Mecca is the fear, Fear of Quraish that the Quraish tortured them or kill them, as they did with  those who believe  the Prophet peace be upon him, did not believe in Mecca with the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family  only a few of his friends because they were lacking to this grace, The Prophet peace be upon him when he emigrated to the city ( Al-Madyna Al-Monauarah )and settled security where many people was believed  him, But with so many Arabs were afraid to follow the Prophet because of their fear of treachery Quraish, When   the Prophet peace be upon him  entered Mecca on Hudaybiyah , Were he  prevented from entering to it and he  wrote the Treaty was held reconcile with the people safe and secure people to each other, He had gone peace be upon him, and with him to Hudaybiyah thousand and five hundred of his companions, After two years and a few months came the Prophet - may Allah bless him and his family - and the opening of Mecca with ten thousand fighters from those Who is leaving may Allah bless him and his family from those who believe the city ( Al-Madenah Al-Monawarah ) is on the edge of the island Ashrholav fighters, most of them believe in a time when security safe people to each other while people safe each other Because of security people felt they entered into the religion of Allah in crowds  with security felt the slave can be worshiped his Lord, If he wants to sleep he sleeps quiet, If he eat food or drink, it is convenient to eat food, and drinks something comfortable, The slave does not dispense with a sense of security in this life, This is also Moses was afraid a lot of people to believe in him because they were afraid of the Pharaoh , and Moses did not believe him  only a few people,

( 83 )   But no one believed Moses, except [some] youths among his people, for fear of Pharaoh and his establishment that they would persecute them. And indeed, Pharaoh was haughty within the land, and indeed, he was of the transgressors

When Allah killed  Almighty Pharaoh increased people believing,Here  many people believes Moses  even the Prophet - may Allah bless him and his family and him - says: Says if the Day of Resurrection and see a great number of people saying my nation my nation (I mean: I hope that this will be a great number of my nation) said to him, but this Moses and his nation....This is evidence that the Slaves if they feel safe for themselves and they felt safe in their home countries they will worshiped Allah the right to worship, this grace is a great blessing that we should  work to make it not to go away from us.,

How do we maintain this grace??!

Maintain this grace through faith in Islam and worship Allah  alone and do not worship with him any  partner Allah Almighty said:

( 82 )   They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.
Surat Al-An'aam

The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him, said:
  That the meaning of injustice here: that he is anything worship  with Allah as a partner.

Companions, Allah bless them, when they heard this verse said: O Messenger of Allah , any of us do not do injustice to himself .. It said .. This is not .. Any injustice here is not intended injustice yourself, said : listened to the words of good servant, who said: The great injustice that  is anything worship  with Allah as a partner,

( 82 )   They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.

Surat Al-An'aam

- As well as leaving sin and guilt and sins, that it solves this blessing on the people and country, Allah Almighty when he said:

( 82 )   They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.

Surat Al-An'aam

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said :
That sin, although this does not benefit these grace of perfection and completeness, but reduce the security and guided the people of sin, because of security and sin do not mix never, If people are believe Allah  and have worked to obey Allah Almighty, if believed and did obey Allah Almighty, that was proof that Allah  gives them the grace of this great blessing Security,As well as increasing the efficiency of grace on the people the security agencies that do business in the country to maintain security, If the existing security (taking a bribe) and Scams his people
  How do people enjoy the security??  if the existing security is  unjust, how people enjoy the security??  if he is  working  thief , how people enjoy the security, Abdullah bin Omar, a walk in the way he saw a shepherd Abdullah said : O shepherd  sell us one a sheep from these sheep, the shepherd said: I am not the owner , that owner is my master ,, Ibn Umar said: Say to your master the  wolf  ate it , Shepherd said: What I will say to Allah? ...

If one was able to cheat people
   Can one be deceiving Allah?
  The answer:no , never , no one can deceive Allah Almighty
If a man police is An honest , people will feel safe.

- As well as the causes of this increase on the people of grace (grace science) ..science about Allah, science about Quran , and the science about Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family, Who turned out to learn the book of Allah , and to learn the Sunnah of the Prophet - peace be upon him - who sit in the mosques of Allah Almighty listen to the lessons from Sheikh in the  mosque, and learn islamic guidance and faith.
I ask how will their behavior? How is the behavior of who always sitting with scholars who are sitting with the scientists, and sitting with preachers, and listen to the Quran, and listen to the Sunnah of the Prophet How is their situation?, And the Prophet (PBUH) say about the scientists and they are heirs of the prophets, if these scholars are the heirs of the Prophets
  What is the scientists will teach to people? ! ..

the scientists Will direct  people to obedience to Allah  and obedience to the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Ibn al-Qayyim may Allah have mercy on him, said: ( if science is in place the percentage of corruption was decrease in the people of this place, and if Ignorance is in place the percentage of the Evil and corruption will increase in the people of this place ,)... Hold tightly to learn Islamic Sciences , And sit down with Muslim scholars and learned Islamic science from them, Because the first reason for the deviation is ignorance,
Ignorance is not knowing of ِAllah
Ignorance and not knowing what is islam,

And also from the demise of the reasons for non-safety grace to say thank you to Allah, Allah said :
( 7 )   And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.' "

Surat Ibrahim

all the grace  We thank them of Allah , Allah will give us more and more of this grace, Thanked Allah for his  grace of the reasons why the grace persist
as to deny the blessings of the reasons for its demise, We thanks our Almighty Allah for the blessing, Thanksgiving is not only the word but thanks must be by tongue, and heart, and the members of the body, Thanksgiving by the tongue to eat food and then thank Allah for it, and thank Allah it and when we drink any beverage thank Allah for it, and thank Allah we do this and it always ,  And also be thanked by heart and thanked by the heart is the love of Allah Almighty who blessed us with these blessings, and maximizing the Lord Almighty who blessed us these blessings, the blessings of Allah will descend upon mankind at night and in the daytime does not stop, even when you are asleep blessings of Allah descend upon you, and you're awake blessings of Almighty Allah descend upon you, This is something the whole yield is the love of Allah Almighty,

, And also thanked the members of the body by to thank Allah Almighty that the worship of Allah and pray to Allah Almighty, and learn from the Quran and the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him and his family -

Prays to Allah Almighty to ask Allah to give you what you need,  by not paying attention to anyone Except to Allah, but ask only one Allah Almighty, this is Thanksgiving - Thanksgiving fact be by your tongue, and by your heart, and by the members of the body.

Also maintains a continuing boon Security: the arbitration law of Almighty Allah , the Quran and the Sunnah Arbitration of the Prophet and Allah Almighty says:

( 1 )   O you who have believed, do not put [yourselves] before Allah and His Messenger but fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Surat Al-Hujuraat

Abdullah bin Abbas said: Do not tell any other than the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, Do not pay attention to the words after the words of Allah, do not pay attention to the words after the words of the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family and him - and the Prophet peace be upon him – say:
Unless their leaders rule according to the Book of Allah and seek all good from that which Allah has revealed, Allah will cause them to fight one another

So, Non-implementation of the law of Allah in the cause of the loss of grace safety, Implementation of the law of Allah in the cause of the continued blessing safety.

Also making it the blessing of security continue to people and country, the fear of Allah in the story of my son Adam Habill and Qabills from these story evidenced that the Habill refused to kill his brother, and said as in Quran:
( 28 )   If you should raise your hand against me to kill me - I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Surat Al-Maaidah

Qabill  was afraid of God Almighty and this is the reason that prevented him from killing, the kill which is the reason for the spread of chaos, fear and panic among the people, bear arms, which increases people's sense of fear, The messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) Said," Whoever carries arms against us, is not one of us ."

Prohibition a Muslim to carry a gun, especially if not from the people of this weapon, if not a soldier in the army or police, he may not take up arms, Allah Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said:
The messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) Said," Whoever carries arms against us, is not one of us ."

The Prophet peace be upon him - warns of an attempt to intimidate the Muslim brother the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him said:
It is not lawful for aMuslim that he frightens aMuslim

the intimidation is prohibited,
Allah's Messenger , may peace be upon him ,said : he who pointed a weapon towards
his brother the angels invoke curse upon him even if he is his real brother so
long as he does not abandon it ( the pointing of weapon towards one's brother Muslim ).

Fear of Allah Almighty prevents you from killing prevents you from taking up arms against the Muslims that this is something that makes the blessing of the Security continues among the people the blessings of security a great blessing we must cooperate to achieve the reasons for continuation of faith in Allah and work to obey Allah and the fear of Allah Almighty and the demand to learn the science of Islam Muslim scholars learn from them what brings us closer to Allah , learn from them what is the benefit of the country and the people,

Security Did not feel it importance except who lost it like all the blessings
 , And ask the people of Iraq, how they sensed what they feel the blessings of security , did not feel the loss until after it ..
Despite what was in their country of fraud and injustice and tyranny, but this is not worth anything from where they are now, One no longer feels he is afraid for the security of himself and fears for his son and feared for his money and afraid for his women every day you hear about the bombings and the killing and robbery and rape,

All that was Happened because of the absence of security, We all have to cooperate to maintain this grace, We all have to do what makes this blessing in our lives continue, We ask Almighty Allah to bless us by the grace of security and safety.

Praise be to Allah, prayer and peace be upon the mister Messengers, O Allah , bless Muhammad and Muhammad's family as didst bless Abraham. Thu art indeed praiseworthy and glorious. O Allah grant favours of Muhammad and Muhammad's family as Thou didst grant favour to Abraham's family. Thou art indeed praiseworthy and glorious.
The Almighty Allah promised us that when we believe in Allah and that our good works he will changing our life from fear to secure.
 ( 55 )   Allah has promised those who have believed among you and done righteous deeds that He will surely grant them succession [to authority] upon the earth just as He granted it to those before them and that He will surely establish for them [therein] their religion which He has preferred for them and that He will surely substitute for them, after their fear, security, [for] they worship Me, not associating anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after that - then those are the defiantly disobedient.

Surat Al-Noor

This condition worship to Allah and  do not involve with Allah something if believe in Allah and do good deeds and did not involve with Allah something , not something small and not many  then enable Allah to them and change their state of the state of fear to a state security therefore of the greatest and biggest reasons that are still out graces is the worship of anything with Allah as a partner with Allah,

( 112 )   And Allah presents an example: a city which was safe and secure, its provision coming to it in abundance from every location, but it denied the favors of Allah. So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing.
Surat Al-Nahl
And Allah presents an example: a city which was safe and secure , Some Muslim scholars said that this village is the Mecca, its provision coming to it from Everywhere, even Allah said:
( 57 )   And they say, "If we were to follow the guidance with you, we would be swept from our land." Have we not established for them a safe sanctuary to which are brought the fruits of all things as provision from Us? But most of them do not know.
                                               Surat Al-Qssas

All kinds of fruits were in Mecca and were living in safety and peace, but its provision coming to it in abundance from every location, but it denied the favors of Allah. So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing.

it don't believe the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - even he  peace be upon him said:
O Allah, intensify your punishment in Mudar and give them year ( of famine ) like the years of Yusuf.

. That is because they disbelieve the graces of Allah and did not thank Allah , and they did not believe in Allah and they did disbelieve in the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him, Therefore, God's judgment on them hungry They were not finding what they eat, they ate ( Al-Alhaz: who is a lint kneaded with blood ) .

( 112 )   And Allah presents an example: a city which was safe and secure, its provision coming to it in abundance from every location, but it denied the favors of Allah. So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing.
Surat Al-Nahl
Look at this expression: (So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear ) If fear came to them from everywhere they are in the country,that is the Secretary, the Almighty Allah if it is taken from the slave grace Security

 Section in Allah for no one of the creatures can be bestowed security to the slaves never , just one who gives security to the slave is Allah  Almighty and more scientists commentators of the Qur'an say that this village is the Mecca.

And some say that this village is Medina, and it happened to them in Medina when they killed Uthman - may Allah be pleased with him, When they were killed Two light's owner who is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him daughter's husband, they - Killed him Unjustly, So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear, because they said that his blood was Kashrut, That's why Allah punished them.

Some scientists say the interpretation of the Qur'an:
Village here without alif and lam Means every village does not work by obeying Allah Almighty, So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear ,

( 15 )   There was for [the tribe of] Saba' in their dwelling place a sign: two [fields of] gardens on the right and on the left. [They were told], "Eat from the provisions of your Lord and be grateful to Him. A good land [have you], and a forgiving Lord."
( 16 )   But they turned away [refusing], so We sent upon them the flood of the dam, and We replaced their two [fields of] gardens with gardens of bitter fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees.

Surat Saba 15:16

Floods are falling from everywhere from the sea and the sky, ( 16 )   But they turned away [refusing], so We sent upon them the flood of the dam, and We replaced their two [fields of] gardens with gardens of bitter fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees.

After what was for them the fruits of their two committees and We replaced their two [fields of] gardens with gardens of bitter fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees.
( 17 )   [By] that We repaid them because they disbelieved. And do We [thus] repay except the ungrateful?
Surat Saba

The unbelief and polytheism are the first reason for the demise of the grace of safety and livelihood

The messenger of Allah ( P.B.U.H ) Said: ( Nothing increase one's life span except righteousness, and nothing reples the Divine decree except supplication, and aman may be deprived of provision by asin that he commits.)

Sin is a big reason in the demise of this grace, The poet said True words:
If faith is lost there is no safety |₪| No World for those who did not live using religion.
It is pleased to live life without religion |₪| Has made the courtyard companion for those life.

We ask Almighty Allah to bless us by the grace of security and safety.
  Oh Allah, are safe in our homelands ..
Oh Allah, gave us the security and faith ..
Oh Allah,Dedicate  Muslim youth and the elders of Muslims and Muslim women ..
  Oh Allah Save our youth and young Muslims ..
Oh Allah Save our country and the countries of the Muslims ..
  Oh Allah, make our country's safety and security arena,O Lord of the Worlds ..

O Allah, peace and blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions all


نحاول في هذه المدونة نشر ما لدينا من دروس وخطب وحالات الواتساب كصور أو فيديوهات أو تسجيلات صوتية لفضيلة الشيخ الداعية البورسعيدي / محمد عبد الباقي / حفظه الله