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أهلا ً ومرحبا بكم في مدونة فضيلة الشيخ / الداعية البورسعيدي 

محمد عبد الباقي

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تعلم اساسيات التريكو Holding your needles and yarn

Holding your needles and yarn
Everyone evolves their own personal way of holding knitting needles and yarn, but it's still useful to know how to start.

Right hand needle Hold the right needle as if you were holding a pencil. When casting on and working the first few rows, pass the knitted piece over the hand between the thumb and index finger. As work progresses, let the thumb slide under the knitted piece, grasping the needle from below (Fig.12).

Fig 12 Holding knitting needles

Left hand needle Hold the left needle lightly over its top, using the thumb and index finger to control the tip of the needle (Fig.13).

Fig 13 Holding knitting needles

Holding the yarn

Method 1 Holding the yarn in the right hand, pass the yarn under the little finger, then round the same finger, over the third finger, under the centre finger and over the index finger. Use the index finger to pass the yarn round the needle tip. The tension on the yarn is controlled by the yarn circled round the little finger (Fig.14).

Fig 14 Holding knitting yarn

Method 2 Holding the yarn in the right hand, pass it under the little finger, over the third finger, under the centre finger and over the index finger. Use the index finger to pass the yarn round the needle tip. The tension is controlled by gripping the yarn in the crook of the little finger (Fig.15).

Fig 15 Holding knitting yarn



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