
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا ً ومرحبا بكم في مدونة فضيلة الشيخ / الداعية البورسعيدي 

محمد عبد الباقي

حفظه الله

Sixth, the belief in Allâh’s Decree and Predestination.

Sixth, the belief in Allâh’s Decree and Predestination.

Fifth, the belief in the Last Day (Day of Resurrection):

Fifth, the belief in the Last Day (Day of Resurrection):

Fourth, the belief in the Messengers of Allah :

Fourth, the belief in the Messengers of Allah :

Third, the belief in ( Books from Allah ) :

Third, the belief in ( Books from Allah ) :

Second, the belief in Angels:

Fundamentals of Islâmic doctrine : First, the Belief in Allâh:

Second, the belief in Angels:

Fundamentals of Islâmic doctrine : First, the Belief in Allâh:

Contradicting Aspects of Islâm

Contradicting Aspects of Islâm

Tawhîd Al-Asma’ Was-Sifat (Islâmic Monotheism of Allâh’s Names and Qualities)

Tawhîd Al-Asma’ Was-Sifat (Islâmic Monotheism of Allâh’s Names and Qualities)

The main reason of Shirk is the extravagance in pious people

The main reason of Shirk is the extravagance in pious people

What is worshipping?

نحاول في هذه المدونة نشر ما لدينا من دروس وخطب وحالات الواتساب كصور أو فيديوهات أو تسجيلات صوتية لفضيلة الشيخ الداعية البورسعيدي / محمد عبد الباقي / حفظه الله